Length: 500 to 1,000 words
Frank has worked seven years as a retail sales manager for a local department store. He has generally received above average yearly evaluations from his manager; and for five of his seven years, has received ratings justifying the highest level merit pay base rate increases available for his job title. Frank is married. He and his wife have two children. His wife is employed as a dental hygienist at a local dentist office.
About eight months ago, Frank began arriving at work late, leaving early, and taking long lunches. As his supervisor, Jim (the store manager), spoke at length with Frank about what was causing the changes in his behavior. Frank confided that he was an alcoholic, one in a long line of family members afflicted with the disease. He said that he was losing control and that it was affecting his family life. Jim offered him the opportunity to meet with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) program coordinator. Frank agreed to do so. After a couple of weeks, the coordinator called to tell Jim that Frank had met with her and was now connected to a local AA Chapter. Within a month, Frank’s attendance improved considerably. Frank sought Jim out one day to thank him for the referral. He said that his involvement with AA was really helping him manage his disease.
About three months ago, however, Jim noticed that Frank’s interactions with his direct reports seemed to be deteriorating. On one occasion, Frank snapped at a sales floor clerk with virtually no provocation and in front of customers; in another case, a clerk confided to Jim that Frank had been rude to another member of the staff. All this was happening while Frank continued to maintain excellent attendance patterns. Jim spoke with Frank, who admitted to the behaviors. He said that while he was doing much better with respect to the alcohol issues, he seemed to have become quite tense, perhaps because he was so fearful of the possibility that he might again start drinking. He made a point that he would immediately apologize to all of his direct reports for his behavior. He did so, both at a staff meeting and in writing. Everyone who was at the meeting believed his apology was absolutely sincere. In fact, one of the staff who had been treated badly by Frank told Jim, “We all should lay off the guy. He’s doing the best he can to work his way through this problem.”
Yesterday, a clerk asked to see Jim. She said she was just now walking through the store and noticed that Frank was talking with a customer. She was standing behind Frank (about 30 feet away) when she heard the customer say, “You can’t talk to me like that!” Frank responded in a loud voice, “Hey, Squirt, I don’t have to put up with your foul mouth. I’m the sales manager in this department, and I’m telling you that we don’t want your kind of business. Get the hell out.” At that point, the customer turned and walked out of the store. Frank never noticed that she (the clerk) was there.
You are the HR generalist in the store. Jim came to you this morning and asked you to prepare a memo of between 500 and 1,000 words identifying what you believe would be the best course of action with respect to addressing Frank’s latest behavior. Jim indicated that he would consider all possibilities up to and including discharge.
You must create the memo based on the concepts contained in the Course Reserve reading for this lesson. The memo must identify at least three concepts from the readings (including page numbers) that are critical in understanding what and why you are recommending the course of action you have chosen.
Jim also asked you to consider the following question: Would your recommendation be different if Frank were a single parent? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Essays and Papers

Essays and Papers


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAmount of InformationExemplary: All topics in assignment are addressed. Satisfactory: All topics in assignment but one are addressed. Unsatisfactory: Most topics in the assignment are not addressed.

8.0 pts

5.0 pts

0.0 pts

8.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of InformationExemplary: All information relates to main topic, including supporting details and/or examples, analogies, metaphors, etc. Satisfactory: Most information relates to main topic, including supporting details and/or examples, analogies, metaphors, etc. Unsatisfactory: Most information does not relate to main topic, including supporting details and/or examples, analogies, metaphors, etc.

8.0 pts

5.0 pts

0.0 pts

8.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAbility to Apply Course Materials to the WorkplaceExemplary: Thoughtful application of course material to the workplace. Uses resources outside required course material to further develop points within essay. Satisfactory: Thoughtful application of course material to the workplace. Unsatisfactory: Inability to thoughtfully apply course material to the workplace.

8.0 pts

4.0 pts

0.0 pts

8.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting AbilityExemplary: Conveyed in a focused and concise manner. Satisfactory: With some exceptions conveyed in a focused and concise manner. Unsatisfactory: Conveyed in an unfocused and/or rambling manner.

8.0 pts

4.0 pts

0.0 pts

8.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Spelling, SyntaxExemplary: Written with no errors in grammar or syntax. Maybe includes a stray typo. Satisfactory: No more than 1 error per page in spelling, grammar and/or syntax. Unsatisfactory: More than one error in spelling, grammar and/or syntax per page.

8.0 pts

4.0 pts

0.0 pts

8.0 pts

Total Points: 40.0
